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   2 ;"PRESS A KEY"
   2  1987 S.A.E.C.
   1 typists. I would find it highly amusing, if a little surprising if a man sitting at a desk with a typewriter in front of him    said something like ""can I get  you any memo paper or the
   1 suit and tie) then go NW,W,N,N, W,N,NW.
   1 reasonably intelligent way, as  human beings never seem to do.
   1 predicted by the experts who    forget to mention that they     still can't do this on the bigg-est, most expensive mainframes!
   1 over many a mountain range, theyare starting to pong so much    that you wouldn't even need a   sword and shield to keep the    dragons at bay.
   1 on about anything but computers has nothing to do with it, so   don't worry if I start going on"
   1 her eyeballs and more front thanSam Fox. Not that many of the   fellers are complaining. There  they are, in a lonely bedroom   with nothing to keep them       company other than an overheatedSpeccy (why it's overheated I'llleave to your imagination).
   1 g)gNgegrg{g
   1 are either wicked old hags with more moles than Jasper Carrot,  or the barmaid with thighs up to
   1 appointment book"". That's anoth-er one for St Brides to use.
   1 about the state of the country, schools or anything else for    that matter. Anyway, on with thecolumn and this issue's subject,if any, should be women in      adventures."
   1 Z$="                                "
   1 Wouldn't it make a change if a  gutsy maiden came to the rescue of the knight locked in the     dungeons for chatting up the    queen. I wouldn't be at all     surprised if St Brides picked upon this idea and turned it into a mega-hit.
   1 With the release of the Prof- essional Adventure Writer from  Gilsoft, the ability to write   powerful machine code adventuresis just that little bit closer. Some people are against these   tools, a strong argument is thatthey stifle creativity and      produce uniformly structured    games
   1 Witches do not like water.
   1 Well that's just about it     folks, this is the last article that you will read from my word-processor, I am off to pastures new after almost a year here.   I will leave the moaning, comp- laining and whinging in somebodyelse's hands - I'm not quite    sure who, but I'm sure they willbe very capable.
   1 We have lots of hints, tips and solutions for you from the      quills of our intrepid adventurespecialists.Al
   1 Two or more Spectrum +7 ownerswill be able to link up their   machines and play against each  other. The technology is alreadyhere - but at the moment the    techniques are slow and expen-  sive to implement.
   1 To get out of the dungeon:- Givethe money to the guard.
   1 To get money from Barrowight:-  Kill Barrowight with the bible.
   1 To be honest I think that if yougave a leading role to a woman  in any adventure the computer   press would have a field day    with their best ""she has to be aRussian athlete"" remarks.
   1 Those of you who are also     interested in Role Playing gamesand who read magazines such as  WHITE DWARF and ADVENTURER will have seen a few of the female   species complaining.
   1 The whole object being to     converse with the computer in a
   1 The only thing I can add is,  if you want to burn your coconutshells, you're quite welcome to attempt it. Just don't ruin the credibility of adventures that  are floating around at the      moment.
   1 The growing interest in multi-user games should, I think, leadto a new sort of adventure game,one that is nt accessed by a    modem, as is MUD, but run on a  network of home micros.
   1 TEXT      mX
   1 Strange subject you might think.Well, not really. At present    there seems to be a turmoil overthe clarity of women being key  figures in any kind of gaming.
   1 St Brides, the authors of Bugsy will be producing Jack The      Ripper for CRL using Gilsoft's  PAW. Unfortunately PAW is not   yet available so it could be    quite a while before we see the finished product.
   1 Speaking of knights, how oftenis it that we here about the    gallant Sir John and his        attempts to cure the woes of thedistressed maiden (groan,       surgeon, cure).
   1 So you can bet your Spectrum  that the adventures for these   machines will have rather large vocabularies, quite a bit of    text and some nice graphics.
   1 So when they read about the   lusty barmaid offering ""her     services"" (as an innkeeper that is) who are they to refuse. It  certainly livens up the evening on those dark winter nights.
   1 Okay, well let's see what     their argument, if there is one,includes. The first thing that  was mentioned was stereotyping. I suppose there are rather a lotof adventures where the females
   1 Of course all these extra doobr-ies will not prevent the ludicr-ous solutions that are expected for some problems - just give   you more to read while you gnashyour teeth.
   1 ODDS & ENDS
   1 News of a new fanzine reached usrecently. It is called EPROM andis described as being irregular and alternative - sounds fun!   The Spring issue has a section  on adventures and contains an   interview with Tony Bridge.
   1 Many creative but computer    ignorant people now have the    means to write good adventures. Who knows what developments we  will see here? A 200 location   adventure created merely by
   1 Lastly from the complaints    department comes the ""why is it half the females in adventures  are out to steal everything but your socks"". The only reason    they won't take your socks is   because after various hikes
   1 LOADER    
   1 Kiss the frog to get Beren.
   1 K$="         
   1 It costs only 80p and is        available from:-
   1 Istar is useful with the wand.
   1 In the treasury you need Haldin and a bottle full of oil.
   1 Imagine yourself as an evil     little dwarf, chucking axes at  your friends. Who knows, you    might even hit one!
   1 Imagine ID crossed with The   Pawn, the object of the game    being to try to convince the    computer to let you finish. A   2000 word vocabulary with verbs,adverbs, pronouns, adjectives   and all those other funny words they tried to teach people at   school!
   1 I think the biggest argument  for putting money into artifici-al intelligence is the desire tosee if a computer would actuallyhave something interesting and/ or worthwhile to say. Hmmmm.
   1 I think I might have mentioned  last month how I have been gett-ing a trifle annoyed lately with""officially licensed"" much hypeddrivel (there I go again...).
   1 Hi there. I'm Jason Roseaman andI'm here to rap about various   goings on in the computer indus-try. The fact that I will ramble"
   1 E$="       
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Central Solutions, the company  that specialises in budget      priced adventures, seems to haveceased trading. A number of     people had sent CS adventures inthe hope that they would be     published and have not been     contacted by the company. If    you are one of those unfortunatepeople who would seem to have   lost their tapes then contact   Adventure Probe, 78 Merton Road,WIGAN WN3 6LS. They may be able to help you.
   1 CODE      
   1 C$="We look at two new software     houses first releases. One      Quilled, the other GAC'd."
   1 C$="We have lots of hints, tips and solutions for you from the      quills of our intrepid adventurespecialists."
   1 C$="There is a great adventure for  you to play."
   1 C$="Oops! Last month a tip for Heavyon the Magick went astray. In   Wolfdorp there is a second door needing a password - LUNACY.                                              DRAGONSLAYER"
   1 C$="Hampstead has been out a couple of years now but it is proving  just as popular as ever. So to  save any suicide attempts etc,  here's the complete guide."
   1 C$="   All this and lots more in           the next issue of              Spectrum Adventurer."
   1 C$="      EPROM                           328 The Maltings                Penwortham                      PRESTON                         Lancs                           PR1 9FD"
   1 But need we stick to the trad-itional room to room format in  an adventure game? Clever       parsers seem to be in fashion atthe moment - why not do without everything else?
   1 But in the near future we will  all be using micros with a mini-mum of 128K memory and disc     drives fitted as standard.
   1 Beren has a way with birds.
   1 Andrew Fitzsimmons of Armadillo-soft told us of their latest    release - an icon driven advent-ure which we will be reviewing  next month. They are now workingon a graphical adventure which  requires the use of a micro-    drive or an opus disc drive. A  simplified version will be      available on tape.
   1 Adventure X
   1 A spokeswoman for Gilsoft told  us that the printing of PAW     manuals is holding up the       release of PAW.
   1 ;"STOP THE TAPE":
   1 ;"P-00{00} TAPE 11 
   1 ;"MacGregor":
   1 ;"IS LOADING":
   1 ;"APRIL 1987"
   1 ;"           ":
   1 +d3d:dAdJdVdbdidpdwd~d
   1 (3) Before leaving house, carry UB40, wear tracksuit, wear clipsand take bike.
   1 (21) - Take car, go N,W,S,S,S.  Drop car, go W, remove tie and  suit and wear tracksuit and     clips. Take bike and enter Hamp-stead to finish game.
   1 (20) Car - take car at bank and go N,N,W,S. Drop car, ring bell,see Chubby, Marry Pippa, give   memo then give report.
   1 (2) Kitchen - search kitchen forsandwich and key to shed.
   1 (19) Party - From east of OxfordStreet go SE,S,S,S,SE. Take     Pippa (make sure you have deeds,
   1 (18) Estate Agents - Examine thedisplay and buy cottage with    draft. Take deeds.
   1 (17) Bank - carry letters then  go up and translate motto. Go E,W,W. Force cabinet (with screw- driver), take and read report.  Examine desk and read memo. Go  to meeting and choose option 3. Take draft.
   1 (16) Gentlemes club - carry tie,suit and card. When asked name  give card and say yes to job.   Now take letter and go to bank.
   1 (15) Outfitters - buy and wear  suit.
   1 (14) Department store - open    desk at furniture department to get the screwdriver.
   1 (13) Waterloo station - board   bus.
   1 (12) Train - carry bracket and  magazine, take card, give brack-et, take and wear tie.
   1 (11) Ticket office - buy ticket,go SE and board train.
   1 (10) Oxfam shop - take and wear tweed.
   1 (1) Lounge - search lounge for  UB40.
   1 ''"The bottle must not be present  when playing the flute."
   1 ''"EPROM's editor Tony Worrall     promises hints, maps, reviews,  fantastic artwork and strips!"
   1 '"To get the sword:- Beren take   sword."
   1 '"Last November we reviewed Jock  and the Beanstalk from Armadill-osoft. The bugs we mentioned in the game have now been correctedso it should now be worth havinga look at."
   1 '"Anton likes coins and mirrors."
   1 '"(9) Newsagents - search news-   agents for the magazine."
   1 '"(8) Hampstead Heath - sit on thebench to get the credit card."
   1 '"(7) Industrial estate - drop thebike, go N,E,E,NE,E,E,NE,N. Takethe bracket and go SW."
   1 '"(6) Post Office - cash the giro for notes."
   1 '"(5) Social Security - Carry UB40and join queue for giro."
   1 '"(4) Streets - carry bike to     avoid being mugged."
   1 !v`6\#6Y##6
   1  HINTS ON     
   1  HEROES OF    
   1  1987 S.A.E.C."
   1   So what can we expect in the  future? More of the same or a   return to the good old days of  enthusiasticly and carefully    written adventure games which   were fun to play.
   1   In many computer moderated    adventures I have come across   the Grace Jones lookalikes who  will turn on the charm and then nick everything you've got.
   1   I'm not talking about the far future but two or three years from now so I won't mention holo- graphic pictures or all the     other expected developments
   1   Before there are major changesin the whole concept of advent- ure games it is certain that    they will continue developing asthey are now - with the same    general format as they have now.
   1   Another thing they complained about in White Dwarf was the waythat in any serious adventure   like The Fourth Protocol, the   only women in the game were the obligatory secretaries and
   1     RESET YOUR COMPUTER AND          LOAD"""" FOR THE DR GOO                 ADVENTURE            
   1         Z 
   1               R!
   1               "
   1                                 Bp